Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Here is a photo of my new studio-in-the-rough. I'm having the double doors removed and 3 large windows installed. It's heated by a big woodstove, so that will be an adventure this winter! I'm still in the process of moving all my stuff from Farmington Hills, a 5 hour drive. I arrived up here Saturday night with another load, just about sunset. I dragged 2 LaZy-Boy chairs out to the studio, set up my stereo & speakers, poured a little shot of Southern Comfort and sat back, listening to Garrison Keillor's "Prairie Home Companion". Felt as happy as a hog in slop! Stepping outside, the view of the stars up here in northern Michigan is FANTASTIC! Downstate, in the City, you just don't see many stars from all the light interference. But up here, it's just amazing. I haven't seen stars like this since I left Peru.

All last week I was taking trailer-loads of my stuff up, arriving right near sunset. After leaving Interstate 75, it's an hourlong drive along hilly, winding roads. As I drive along, I'm seeing hundreds of beautiful spots to paint. Right at sunset, I'm coming up a crest overlooking Lake Michigan. It's a spectacular treat, with dramatic clouds and glowing reds & golds! I really look forward to painting all this.

Then there's the thrill of finally having a real studio to work in! I've always had a spare bedroom to set up & paint my still lifes in. Sometimes it's pretty cramped. So while this move has been quite exhausting and difficult (I can't afford to hire people to do it for me), I know it's a good thing.

Getting to live in peace & quiet, in a beautiful setting, has been my lifelong dream. My new property is on 6 wooded, hilly acres with a small trout stream. My house is 1 mile east (as the crow flies) of Lake Michigan. After sweating for 28 hard years in the hot, stinky auto factory, this place is heaven on earth!

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